Provillus Review: Is Provillus the Best Hair Loss Treatment Ever or Is All Just Hype?



Provillus Is Well-Known as the Best Hair Regrowth System on the Market! But Is ALL This Fame & Popularity Based on Real FACTS? I Got the Answer…

If you have been looking for an up-to-date, fact-based, and objective review on this so popular hair loss product called Provillus you’ve come to the right place!

Hi, I’m Gerina… thanks for stopping by… In this post, you’ll get ABSOLUTELY everything you need to know about Provillus, the good and the bad, the pretty and the ugly, so stay here, you’ll be glad you did…

Gerina ReillySince I mentioned about this natural product to my News-Group last week, many of my followers have been emailing me regarding this famous Hair Loss Formula and asking me for more in-depth research regarding this supposed “Miracle Product” Provillus…

So, I rolled up my sleeves, and as I always do, went on a research spree and here I am, as usual, with an Information-Packed Brand-New POST! You’ll really love it!

When you’re done reading this post you’ll know all that you need to know regarding Provillus. That’s my promise!

You’ll be able to make a smart, fact-based decision about this popular Hair Loss Program… and from a source, you know you can always trust 🙂

Now, if you just want to know where to buy Provillus right now, then just go to the manufacturer’s official website, that’s the only place to buy Provillus, the real one. (Take me to Provillus official site)…


In Summary, This Is What You’ll Find in This Post:

  • What is Provillus?
  • Ingredients Used in the Provillus System
  • Hair Loss Solutions Video (Courtesy of Mojo)
  • How is Provillus Different from Other Hair Loss Products?
  • How Does Provillus Work?
  • Major Benefits / Advantages of Provillus
  • Negative Side Effects / Disadvantages of Provillus
  • Is There Proof / Testimonials From Real Provillus Users?
  • Provillus / Studies / University & Clinical Studies
  • What Do the Experts Have to Say?
  • Our Conclusion / Final Thoughts:
  • Where to Buy Provillus Cheaply / Safety
  • Don’t Buy Provillus Until You See This
  • Why You Should Avoid Buying Supplements from Amazon

Let’s get started…

What Is Provillus?

Provillus ReviewsIf you’re here, you’ve probably already heard of Provillus and may know a lot about it cause Provillus is one of the most popular hair loss and prevention products.

But just to get on the same page, let’s look at exactly what it is.

Provillus is a natural hair regrowth product that is used topically twice a day. Its active ingredient, Minoxidil, was the first hair loss ingredient approved by the FDA.

The company emphasizes that each person who experiences hair loss has their own unique hair loss experience and needs. Using their topical spray, you can target the exact place where you need the active ingredient to go to work.

The product can also be applied with a dropper.

As for the mix of natural vitamins, minerals, and herbs in Provillus that the company described as “time-tested,” the extra natural ingredients can be seen as a kind of extra bonus. 🙂

Ingredients Used in this Hair Loss System

Provillus includes the FDA-approved active ingredient Minoxidil 5%. Along with Minoxidil, Provillus has other natural ingredients listed by the company.

These ingredients are mixed in the right proportions to produce a potent compound. Here are the most important ingredients:

      • Vitamin B6
      • Biotin
      • Magnesium
      • Horsetail Silica
      • Para-aminobenzoic acid
      • Zinc
      • Saw Palmetto
      • Muira Puama
      • Eleuthero Root
      • Stinging Nettle
      • Pumpkin Extract
      • Minoxidil

Obviously, there are ingredients like Minoxidil that is only used in the Men formula.

Provillus Reviews

Is Provillus the Solution to Hair Loss?

The video below is very interesting… Check it out…

How Is Provillus Different from Other Hair Loss Products?

What makes Provillus different from other products is how it targets hair regrowth. According to the company, Provillus is the only spray system that is proven to regrow hair. The spray allows you to “point and shoot” right where you need it.

There is also a topical solution that can be applied with a dropper onto the dry hair and scalp.

Provillus for Women is also available. Women should not use the same product as the product specified for men, but the product for women is readily available on the same website that you can find Provillus for Men. You just have to click on the For Women section.

How Does Provillus Work?

Provillus is applied right to the site where hair growth is needed, either in a dropper form or in a spray form.

Provillus Cures Hair Loss Problem fast

Provillus comes in two different formulas, one for men and one specifically designed for women.

In the case of males, the makers describe that it works on male pattern baldness through a potent compound of strong ingredients in which one of the main ingredients is the FDA approved ingredient Minoxidil.

Minoxidil became an over-the-counter product in 1996 as a 2% solution. By 1998, it was available in the form Provillus uses, as a 5% solution.

Male pattern baldness runs in families, so if you have men in your family who show a balding pattern on the crown of the head, you may also have the same thing either now or in the years to come.

Provillus ingredients have been clinically proven to grow hair in balding areas, according to the company website.

NOTE: Minoxidil was originally made to treat high blood pressure. One of the side effects in some of the high blood pressure patients was to regrow hair in those who had areas of thinning hair or baldness. Voila! A hair regrowth ingredient was discovered.

One employee of the original manufacturer speculated that the reason the product worked for growing hair was increased blood flow to the scalp area.

There is some anecdotal evidence that one of the active ingredients in the oral solution of Provillus could help block DHT. Male pattern baldness is said to be caused by the hormone DHT.

Major Benefits / Advantages of Provillus

Clients have stated that Provillus shows results in just a few weeks or months, results that were quickly visible to the people around them.

Hair has been regrown by multiple clients in thinning hair areas and bald spots, as well as other “problem areas.”

The reason that Provillus works, is that it takes advantage of the hair regrowth properties in the active ingredient Minoxidil.

Negative Side Effects / Disadvantages of Provillus

Provillus ReviewThe company cautions that more is NOT better when it comes to the Provillus formula; don’t exceed their recommended dosage because they say it won’t help and could cause negative side effects.

Also, it has been shown that, even though is highly effective, Minoxidil must be continued as long as you want the hair growth to continue…

So, if you want to keep enjoying the good benefits you will have to continue using the product, which is one of the biggest disadvantages…

I tried really hard to find any negative side effects, but being naturally based ingredients, Provillus doesn’t appear to have any dangerous side effects… But use it carefully cause there is always the possibility of overdose if you use it carelessly…

The possible side effects, if you used more than indicated, can include difficulty breathing or swelling of the lips, tongue, dizziness or feeling of light-headedness, and warm or red skin if you are allergic to Minoxidil or any of the other ingredients.

These side effects are mild and have only reported by a very reduced number of users, but is something that you should keep in mind while you are using it.

The company recommends to stop and consult a Doctor if you overdose and/or start to experience any of the above side effects.

Is There Proof / Testimonials from Real Provillus Users?

Provillus Before And After PictureI actually spent a lot of time hunting around to see if I could find many people who had gotten good results using Provillus and were not listed on the company’s website. Surprisingly, I actually found a lot more positive feedback than I was expecting.

Here are some of the comments and testimonials I’ve found on the internet (The complete comments and many more are listed in the sidebar):


I found many more similar Provillus testimonials and comments as well…

I actually spent a lot of time trying to find people who have a negative experience with Provillus but the general consensus seems to be that while not a ‘Miracle Product’ Provillus does work!

Another interesting point is also that most people who try Provillus actually stay with Provillus which is obviously a very good indicator of the quality and efficacy of the product.

I, in fact, I read many Provillus reviews and did found it really hard to find folks who hadn’t gotten anything good out of Provillus. I found a few guys who wanted more and fastest results (not surprised), but in reality, they somehow acknowledged that they indeed benefited from Provillus.

Provillus / Studies / University & Clinical Studies

Clinical Trial Reported in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology

provillus clinical trialsResults of a clinical trial of topical Minoxidil 5% were published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology.

The conclusion was that Minoxidil 5% was better than Minoxidil 2% and better than a placebo at regrowing hair in men with male pattern baldness.

The men who used the active ingredient in Provillus (Minoxidil 5%) also had faster regrowth.

The same trial showed that people’s perceptions of the men who used the 5% solution were improved, and there was no evidence of side effects.

Clinical Trial Results Published in the Journal of Dermatology

There was another clinical trial conducted in Japanese men. The results were published in the 2009 Journal of Dermatology. Again, the findings were that the 5% solution of Minoxidil (the same as used in Provillus) worked better than a weaker solution of the same ingredient.

What Do the Experts Have to Say?

Provillus ExpertsYahoo! News recently touted the hair loss product Provillus, stating that it is “one of the only FDA registered solutions” that is clinically proven to grow hair back in men with male pattern baldness.

Doctors and experts agree that the active ingredient, Minoxidil 5%, is an ingredient proven to help with regrowing hair. Two of the many clinical trials which have shown Minoxidil’s effectiveness were summarized previously in this article.

So if you want to know how to grow hair fast naturally you have to make sure that Minoxidil is included in your treatment.

Conclusion / Final Thoughts:

I’m glad I was able to report some of the clinical findings of Minoxidil here because it is hard to seem objective and factual when there are so many positive attributes of the product you are researching!

conclusionThe active ingredient in Provillus has been shown to work better than the previous strength that was available for that ingredient.

When you are looking for a hair loss product, look for that 5% strength of Minoxidil (the strength that Provillus has).

Follow directions on the package when using a hair loss product and it is always good to consult your doctor before starting a new vitamin, supplement, or regimen.

Where to Buy Provillus Cheaply / Safely

If you are considering GIVING Provillus a try, there are a few things that you first need to know:

Firstly; there are a big number of sites that sell Provillus but they are far from being all the same, you must know that most of them are FAKE! There are many sites selling something else completely and they could totally rip you off.

If you take one thing from me and from this ENTIRE POST, take this: ‘-Only buy Provillus from the MANUFACTURER– ‘

After carefully researching I discovered that the safest and most affordable option is to go directly to the Official and original Provillus Manufacturer Website itself, where you will find the original, FDA Approved Provillus.

Provillus Official WebsiteOn top of that, they are the manufacturers, so they will always have the best prices and deals…

At the time of this post they are actually running a promotion where they are offering 2 FREE bottles when you buy certain packages, so if you plan on buying this may be a great opportunity.

The best deal is for the 5-Month Supply of Provillus which is normally $300, right now it’s at only $149.85 (That’s around 50% Saving).

They have FREE Worldwide Standard Shipping, and nowadays even if you don’t use Rush Shipping you’ll get the order pretty quickly!

If you want your order in 2-3 days you may use Rush Shipping which is only $6.99.



One thing we have to mention before we finish and this is to be very, very careful when buying supplements, vitamins, and so on from Amazon! Stay away! Yes, you heard right, Amazon.

While we love Amazon and usually buy a lot of stuff from them you should be very careful when buying certain items from their site…

The thing is that Amazon doesn’t market Natural Products either/or Health Supplements, Vitamins, Topical Treatments and so on… they instead rely on third parties to LIST and SHIP these kinds of products…

In many cases they even storage and ship these low quality/fake products for the vendors, all the vendors have to do is send the products from the manufacturer straight to Amazon, it’s called Dropshipping.

Amazon calls it “Fulfilled by Amazon” to give the impression that you are buying from Amazon, but the truth is that Amazon has nothing to do with the products other than to storage and shipping.

Therefore, you are not actually buying from Amazon and they are not responsible for the quality or reliability of the products the associated sites sell and ship.

Yes, most of the time you have the option to return the product, the problem is, if you don’t know that is a fake you will probably take the whole bottle before you realize that the thing is pure garbage, and at this point, a return is not an option, so you end up getting scammed!

Basically, just about anybody can list products and sell from Amazon, and there have been numerous reports of scams from people selling from Amazon, so be really careful…

Also, there have been numerous reports of these sellers FAKING reviews… Research conducted by “Consumer Reviews Inc.” Determined that most of these reviews are actually FAKE!

What they do is, they LIST their products and then have their families and friends purchasing the products with the sole purpose of leaving good reviews that look like they are coming from real buyers, (Verified Purchase)…

In other cases, vendors pay people from India, Pakistan, etc., to buy the product and leave a good review and so on. …so for this reason, unfortunately, Amazon reviews are not reliable anymore…

Anyway, if you can get a better deal from the official site, that you know you can trust, why bother and risk getting scammed, right?

Again, for obvious and not so obvious safety reasons, we recommend you only buy from the Official Provillus Website. They have been in business for over 20 years and offer a money-back guarantee…

Buying from anywhere else is not a good idea as you’re not going to get the 100% money-back guarantee. Plus the deal I just mentioned before is only available from the Official site, which you can visit via the link provided below…

Order Provillus

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Hi, thanks for stopping by. I'm Gerina Reilly, Nutritionist, Coach, and Best Seller Author. In this BLOG we offer you many tips and tools you can use to have a better, healthier and more fulfilling life… We also research extensively and analyze just about everything that is to know about the many different Home Remedies and the most popular Natural Products and Supplements, including advantages and disadvantages, ingredients, benefits, side effects, user feedback, Clinical Studies., etc. We work really hard to get this info RIGHT, ACCURATE & UP-TO-DATE, so we hope you find this resource useful.
provillus-reviewProvillus is a solid product. One of the main ingredients is Minoxidil, which has been studied and proven to be highly effective against hair loss... It also contains a mix compound of other high-quality ingredients that can really help to stop hair loss and to promote the regrowth of new hair.